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Extra Curricular

After school clubs are provided free of charge and changed on a termly basis. 

Details of which clubs are available and how to join will be sent out at the beginning of the term.

If your child would like a place on a club, please contact the school office to check for availability.


Lego Club - Y1 & 2

Dodgeball - KS2

Gardening Club- Reception

Netball - KS2


Boys Football (Bee Active) - Y5 & 6

Violins- Invite only

Fitness 4 Kids- Year 2, 3 & 4

Sketching & Drawing- Y5 & 6

Singing- Y3 & 4

Colouring club- Reception


Girls Football (Bee Active) - Y5 & 6


TT Rockstars- Y3 & 4

TT Rockstars- Y5 & 6

Eco Club- KS2

History Club- KS2

Rockband- Invite only



Currently no clubs on Fridays