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Sports Premium Impact and Review 21/22

Sports Premium Report 2021-2022

Co-op Academy Clarice Cliff

Academic Year


Total fund allocated


Date updated

July 2022

Key achievements to date (2020-21)

Areas for further improvement and baseline evidence of need:

Schemes of work for PE are now in place across the school in line with the new PE curriculum, including Foundation Stage. The new schemes will continue to be used in future years. Staff confidence and knowledge has been significantly improved giving them the confidence to deliver the curriculum in the continuing future.

An increased number of pupils this year have been involved in competitive situations at Level 1,2 & 3. We were able to maintain this during lockdown through work with the local SGO, winning several online Level 2 competitions and one Level 3 competition.

Development of outdoor education continues to engage less active pupils disinterested in competitive sports. Use of Forest School has significantly raised the number of pupils engaging in extra-curricular activity and continues to be one of our most popular clubs.

Staff confidence and ability to lead clubs and activities has resulted in more pupils being provided additional hours of extra-curricular PE.

Additional support at lunchtimes has promoted an ethos of active lifestyles and positive well-being.

Nursery now has a cycle track in use daily. FS pupils are developing a multitude of key motor skills including balance, core strength and improved fitness. 

Further developing our provision for Foundation Stage by offering at least one hour a week of extra-curricular PE.

Continue to develop the CPD needs of all staff teaching the PE curriculum, particular focus on well-being, mindfulness and life skills.

Continue to develop skills of lunchtime supervisors in delivering activities that  promote an active lifestyle and positive well-being.

Improve swimming outcomes for KS2 pupils as a result of Covid19.

Develop assessment of PE linked to skills progression.

Continue to offer alternative outdoor activities such as Forest School and  alternative sporting activities such as yoga.

Continue to raise the number of pupils involved in competitive situations at Level 1,2 & 3 with a particular focus on girls team sports.

Engage with parents on activities that can be continued at home for health and wellbeing.

Increase pupil confidence and ability to lead events and activities. Engage parents/carers with community sport activities such as family fun runs.

This year the Government recognised that schools’ ability to collect swimming and water safety attainment data may have been interrupted by the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. As a result of covid-19 our 20/21 data is less than that of previous attainment.

National curriculum requirements for swimming and water safety

What percentage of your Year 6 pupils could swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres when they left your primary school at the end of last academic year?


What percentage of your Year 6 pupils could use a range of strokes effectively [for example, front crawl, backstroke and breaststroke] when they left your primary school at the end of last academic year?


What percentage of your Year 6 pupils could perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations when they left your primary school at the end of last academic year?


Schools can choose to use the Primary PE and Sport Premium to provide additional provision for swimming but this must be for activity over and above the national curriculum requirements. Have you used it in this way?


Key indicator 1


The engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity – Chief Medical Officer guidelines recommend

that primary school children undertake at least 30 minutes of physical activity a day in school

Percentage of total allocation

School focus with clarity on intended impact on pupils:

Actions to achieve:

Funding allocated:

Evidence and impact:

Sustainability and suggested next steps:

Improving the use of outdoor learning to engage more pupils and regular physical activity.

Continuing to upskill Forest School Lead to support implementation of outdoor learning.


Using Forest School activities in continuous provision in the early years and at lunch and break times.


Overcoming barriers to ensure use of Forest school activities effectively in our setting.



Forest School Leader now has Forest School and Paediatric First Aid Qualification.

Forest School Leader attended updates refreshing skills and bringing new ideas back to school.

Through participation in regular outdoor learning/ forest school activities pupils have developed a love of the outdoors and nature as well as developing trust, teamwork and communication skills.

Qualification is valid for the next three years.

Liaising with other practitioners means further ideas to improve provision of Forest School.

Forest School continues to be one of our most popular extra curricular clubs.

Next Steps

To continue supporting EYFS in promoting Forest School activities in continuous provision

Improving the provision of regular physical activity during lunchtimes.

Develop best practice in improving lunchtimes to increase physical activity levels and develop leadership skills.

Strategic development of lunchtimes.

Development of action plan.

Training in school based on

needs e.g. lunchtime staff training

Play leader training

Positive play resource pack.



Pupils have opportunities to engage in regular physical activity.

Children and TAs (lunchtime supervisors) receive up to date and bespoke training regarding active lunchtimes and health and wellbeing. Increased activity levels and engagement of pupils within lunchtime activities. Playground leaders trained and actively leading games at lunchtimes. Behaviour at lunchtimes improved with pupils being calmer and knowing what to do if they are experiencing confrontational situations. Increased fitness of pupils through taking part in additional activities offered throughout the school day.

Ideas staff and pupils have gained will be there to be used in other lessons to enhance learning. Staff and pupils learnt strategies for emotional health and well-being will be embedded into practice and have a long term impact on their ability to deal with challenging situations.

Next steps: PE lead to gain feedback from lunchtime supervisors and identify any further support and CPD that is needed in order to support active lunchtimes being implemented well and pupils are receiving the best possible active lunchtimes which enthuse and provide opportunities for fitness, health and wellbeing.

Raise the number of pupils meeting national curriculum requirements for swimming and water safety.

Assess pupils during compulsory swimming lessons to identify pupils who would benefit from additional lessons.


Provide additional lessons for those pupils not meeting national curriculum requirements for swimming and water safety.


Increased number of pupils meeting national curriculum swimming requirements. See top of report.

Next steps: Continue to provide swimming opportunities to ensure the 25m expectation is met by the end of Year 6

Ensure appropriate equipment is available for all sports.

Audit and replace faulty equipment.


All equipment audited and where needed replaced.

Equipment now matches each area of sports covered by year groups.

Next Steps: Purchase equipment to enhance the provision of gymnastics.

Key indicator 2


The profile of PE and sport being raised across the school as a tool for whole school improvement

Percentage of total allocation

School focus with clarity on intended impact on pupils:

Actions to achieve:

Funding allocated:

Evidence and impact:

Sustainability and suggested next steps:

Raise profile of the impact health and physical activity can have on attainment within the school and wider community. Improve outcomes in other subjects across the school.

Highlight the issues and challenges currently facing our schools and their pupils.


Create a sports team to discuss challenges and how to overcome them.


Pupils developing and applying key life skills as well as experiencing sports they wouldn’t usually experience through their participation in PE and sport including trust, respect, teamwork and communication.

Increased activity levels and engagement of pupils. Ideas staff and pupils have gained will be there to be used in other lessons to enhance learning. Staff and pupils learnt strategies for emotional health and well-being will be embedded into practice and have a long term impact on their ability to deal with challenging situations.

Next Steps

PE lead to review the current extra-curricular sporting activities on offer after school and at lunchtimes to ensure children are provided with opportunities to experience alternative physical activity, increase their fitness and wider skills such as teamwork and confidence. Develop timetable of extra activity provision to all year groups to ensure children are active throughout the day.

Increase attainment and enjoyment within numeracy and literacy lessons through active learning opportunities.

Purchase tablet devices for children to record sports activities and competitions and share with the wider community.

Curriculum Team to produce a termly newsletter focused on PE and physical activity/competitions across the school.


Staff have used their own class ipads so we have not needed to purchase additional ipads.

Results and competitions for sporting events have been shared through ClassDojo.

Explore opportunities to incorporate PE within maths and English.

Achieve at least Silver Sports Mark for children to demonstrate the Ways of Being in their sporting pursuits.

Increase activity levels and engagement of pupils within lunchtime activities.


Playground leaders trained and actively leading games at lunchtimes.


The school has achieved the Gold Sports Mark demonstrating our commitment to physical activity throughout the school and wider curriculum and also engagement and the delivery of competitive sport.

Areas improved through working towards school games mark criteria will be sustained and built upon further in future years.

Next Steps: Gain Sports Trust accreditation.

Increase pupil voice within PE provision.

Through discussions with pupils provide sporting clubs that cater for pupils preferred sports.


Findings show that most children enjoy having teachers teach PE. It was reassuring to see that requested sports are already catered for. KS1 pupils did ask to do more specific sports and not just skill work.

Children did find it difficult to identify their own progress as well as strengths and weaknesses so this needs addressing.

Develop curriculum to ensure children have a more secure understanding of the skills progression being delivered.

Next steps: PE lead to embed a new team of Sports Leaders. The new Sport Leaders to launch new active lunchtimes in the autumn term. Sports Leaders will also support during lessons.

Key indicator 3


Increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport.

Percentage of total allocation

School focus with clarity on intended impact on pupils:

Actions to achieve:

Funding allocated:

Evidence and impact:

Sustainability and suggested next steps:

Continue to further increase staff confidence and ability to teach PE as per identified need.

To link and share ideas with other schools who value PE and Sport and are working on creative visions and outcomes for their pupils.

Join oPEn network and gain support from PE specialist, Helen Moors, to identify possible improvements in our PE and health provision. Support staff through extra sport CPD sessions in cricket, gymnastics, football and tennis.

Use of specialist sports coaches to improve CPD of staff.



Staff are being supported in delivering sports in which they are less confident. Regular conversations with staff help to identify needs.

Staff confidence and ability to teach high quality PE increased and embedded further and pupils as a result benefit from lessons that they enjoy more and in which they make better progress. Embedded planning and teaching for PE lessons working well to support staff confidence, subject specific knowledge and therefore outcomes for pupils.

Next step will be to identify strengths within staff to create a strong support network that does not require external coaching.

Increased team of teachers able to teach PE successfully and effectively. Pupils have developed a love of PE and feel confident to continue to participate with health and sport related activities in their future life.

Next steps: PE lead to gain an understanding of staff’s CPD needs (Google Form for staff voice, informal conversations) and to plan for CPD opportunities.

Send staff on AfPE accredited training.

Audit staff in order to provide CPD opportunities with a calendar of CPD events. Based on the audit, provide appropriate CPD through the use of external coaches.



Next steps: PE lead to gain an understanding of staff’s CPD needs (Google form for staff voice, informal conversations) and to plan for CPD opportunities.

Continue to develop assessment tools to assess pupils and measure impact and achievement.

KS2 PE Lead to attend Leading PE in Primary Schools


PE Leads to attend Effective Monitoring in PE


KS2 PE Lead to undertake Level 5 certificate in PE specialism, recommended by Ofsted and the association for Physical Education as one of the top uses of the PE and sports funding this course will ensure delegates leave being a more effective deliverer of Primary Physical Education.


Staff release time for PE CPD.














Covid has affected this course so JL is liaising with Accelerate Learning to start with a new Cohort. 

Medium term plans updated to include clear progression for each year group. Increased outcomes for pupils through improved pupil’s progress/ skill development/ enjoyment of lessons.

Next Steps

Develop strategy for recording pupil recall and application of sport specific skills. PE lead to continue to establish/ embed a monitoring cycle for the subject.

Key indicator 4


Broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils

Percentage of total allocation

School focus with clarity on intended impact on pupils:

Actions to achieve:

Funding allocated:

Evidence and impact:

Sustainability and suggested next steps:

Improve pupils’ emotional health and well-being. Build upon and support pupils to develop key life skills that build upon home learning activities that have taken place whilst pupils have been in lockdown.


Level 4 Qualification in Supporting Pupils’ Wellbeing Through Physical Education.




This will be complimented with a Health and Wellbeing Toolkit.

In light of covid-19 situation this area has become even more of a priority and focus in school.


We will continue to look at the many opportunities to promote both pupils physical and emotional health and well-being in school through:

PE lessons

Daily physical activity

Using yoga and mindfulness activities

Growth mind set activities.

RSE curriculum & safeguarding advice on mental and emotional well-being.


Fridays become a designated mental health and wellbeing day and curriculum activities structured to support this with staff paying particular attention to talking to pupils about this and using strategies that enhance emotional well-being (link with PSHE Lead).






Online Level 4 Qualification in Supporting Pupils’ Wellbeing Through Physical Education is a nationally recognised qualification that enables delegates to become specialists in supporting the emotional and social wellbeing of pupils through physical education.

The specialist’s work will help pupils to develop positive emotional and social wellbeing by enabling them, in school and beyond, to:

  • Connect to others and develop a sense of belonging
  • Be active – physically and mentally
  • Take notice of their environment and its impact on their emotions
  • Keep learning and pursue their interests
  • Give their time, energy, skills and positive attributes

Staff and pupils will continue to use strategies for emotional health and well-being and these will be embedded into practice and have a long term impact on their ability to deal with challenging situations. Life skills developed will staff with pupils in future years.

Next steps: Continue, review and embed.

Engage with parents on activities that can be continued at home for health and wellbeing.

Look to continue to develop the relationship with parents on linked learning and families being active together.

Develop community sports days for local sports teams to come into school for taster sessions and develop a wider sense of community.


Staff and parents know and implement the expectations meaning more PE time.

Next steps: Pupils and staff continue to attend school in PE kit on PE days.

Key indicator 5


Increased participation in competitive sport.

Percentage of total allocation

School focus with clarity on intended impact on pupils:

Actions to achieve:

Funding allocated:

Evidence and impact:

Sustainability and suggested next steps:

Engage more pupils from Key Stage One and Foundation Stage to inter/intra school teams promoting participation from an earlier age.

Host more inter school competitions within the school.


My personal best challenges are integrated into lunchtimes and break times to keep pupils engaged and motivated in learning and developing skills for competitions.

Lunch supervisor training for more active lunchtimes.


Pupils of all ages take part in inter school competitions in a range of different sports and pupils know about and demonstrate sportsmanship.

Calendar of competitions clearly mapped out and fits well to current curriculum overview and extra-curricular clubs on offer for pupils. Staff offering pupils opportunities to be competitive or take part in performances at the end of the unit of work.

Every year group including KS1 has had the opportunity to take part in competing against a local school. This has been really successful this term and helped to build community links.

Wider skills learned through competitive situations and collaborating with others will stay with them. Calendar of events and opportunities will carry on in future years so others will have similar experiences and opportunities.

Engage with the local schools to host more competitions.

To continue offering opportunities for competition as part of the PE national curriculum and wider school offer of intra/ inter competitions. Review calendar of sporting events put together throughout the year that the school take part in and continue with those that fit with the school and pupils needs and interests.

Next steps: Pupils to continue taking part in end of the unit intra school competitions. This is also to be extended to KS1 with ‘Competition weeks’ each half term.

To continue to attend competitions with other schools. To attend more inclusive events to increase % of children competing in events with other schools. To increase the number of teaching staff attending sports competitions.

To join Longton Sports Association, allowing children from Clarice Cliff to compete against other schools from the local area in a wide number of sports.

PE Leads to attend termly meetings with other members of the association. Decide on which sports we would like to compete in as a school. Arrange transport and staffing to allow children to attend sporting fixtures.


School, PE leader, and the rest of the staff remain up to date with latest guidance and best practice in the subject through sharing ideas ensures the best possible impact and outcomes for pupils.

PE is well-managed and well led subject with the PE leader being up to date with best practice and using this knowledge to ensure high quality outcomes for the school. Staff delivery and confidence to teach high quality PE continues to increase so that future pupils benefit from well taught lessons and the positive outcomes that come from this.

Next Steps

PE lead to review and assess the impact of the PE curriculum to ensure progression and balance across all year groups.

Increased confidence in pupils participating in competitions.

Provide high quality coaching for sports teams.


Every year group including KS1 pupils have taken part in inter school competitions.

Staff offering pupils opportunities to be competitive at the end of the unit of work.

End of unit competition in school ensures 100% of our children are taking part in competitive sport

Pupils wider skills learnt through competitive situations and collaborating with others will stay with them. Calendar of events and opportunities will carry on in future years so others will have similar experiences and opportunities.

Next steps: Pupils to continue taking part in end of the unit in school competitions. This is also to be extended to KS1 with ‘Competition weeks’ each half term.

To continue to attend competitions with other schools. To attend more inclusive events to increase % of children competing in events with other schools. To increase the number of teaching staff attending sports competitions.

Raise the profile of our new academy within the local area.

Provide new kits to reflect new academy status.


New kits have really given children a sense of pride.

Next Steps

Pupils and staff continue to attend school in PE kit on PE days.

Sports Premium Report